Sorry for the long review...
first off the drawing style is awesome really nicely done, plus its traditional graphite which is a plus.
I have a theory on this drawing though, that this was doctored, because I found it strange that both faces had the exact same proportion, especially in the eyes (one eye is lower then the other). Despite the fact that is easily done when using tracing paper, you got it exact down to the very detail. The hairlines are different, but the faces and hair objects are EXACTLY the same, give or take some minor differences in lighting and dirty surfaces, which makes it more convincing. The part that got me were the ghosts in the hair match each other perfectly.
Not gonna throw any accusations just some observations that 90% of both images mimic each other down to the pixel.
Even still you didnt mention whether it was photoshopped or not and you still achieved your main goal of creating a nice looking artwork. Brilliant composition, you pulled it off nicely with the loop the hair creates with the face. besides one of the eyes being off the only thing I see that I disagree with is the background.